Sunday, September 5, 2010

white trash

just came back from sending Joanne, Evan n Yeeps off at Changi airport T3.

Joanne n Evan's going back to US to start another term in ... shoot, i forgot the degree's name.... school of supernatural sciences or sth like tt.

my mind's on something else.

fuwen bought a bike, white trash.

no, thats what he calls it, white trash. dont have a pic of it but looks smth like tt...
white trash.
i dont know why it gets on my nerves, i mean, its gorgeous n all...
wait, i know why it gets on my nerves. cos he does not want it n wants e vespa i rejected instead.
an aquaintance's aquaintance wanted to get me my dream bike (once i get on w actually finishing my lessons) ... a baby blue vespa. but i declined cos.. well cos its too big a present from someone i dont know well.
but its a vespa~~~~~ waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
so yeah, i'm glad fuwen has bruises n scratches on his calf from kickstarting his bike.

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