was the same at last year BSF. i din care much for thank you gifts or cards, din expect it and was cool..... u.n.t.i.l. ppl started telling me that thats not normal, that you usually get some appreciation after all the time and effort you put in for your ppl.
i guess I'm a teacher who is.... i don't know... just a teacher who does not get presents or cards, or thank yous.
cant blame them, I'm terrible at teaching. I'm the teacher more known for her 'nice pants', for being good at sports, for being a mannequin to look at.
i din come to teaching to catwalk, i came to care for them. but kind of hard when i don't think they really care.
won it for being 2nd at the teachers push-up contest. 35 push-ups in 30 secs
i dont know how this best teacher award is done, there are like 10 teachers who share the 'most creative teacher' award
most of my other classroom ideas result in disaster, games, experiment demonstration.... chaos. but good to know that it is somewhat appealing to them.
gonna go for the teachers day dinner... Hawaii theme.
problem sia~~~ waht to wear?
i'm not being bimboistic!!! how to dress in the mood of the theme and yet be decently covered up but not drabby like some tourist? and may i remind you, i have a very small wardrobe...