Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mmmm whatcha say

Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmmm that it's just what we need
you decided this
whatcha say?
Mmmm what did she say?


ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outs
speak no feeling no I don't believe you
you don't care a bit,
you don't care a bit

there's nothing more to say, so just let it be. and lets be friends.

change topic.

i just came back from uncle robert ong's wake.
Jeremy, your poem was short and sweet. great job dude.

i feel quite silent, but there's some urgency awakened in me.
i want to be able to see my parents in heaven.
i must be able to see my parents in heaven.
God help me

Saturday, September 5, 2009

i love you mom

i love you mom.
you're my friend.
i want to be just like you

Friday, September 4, 2009

the sticker boys are gone!

looks kinda larger than normal

that's because the temperature scanners are gone.

they stopped sticking stickers on us 3 days ago so it was kinda expected i guess.
well i'm happy.

no1) they're useless. they hardly turn away anyone. my colleague running a high fever and looking terribly sick got past them. once, my foreign patient complained that one of the sticker girls took off her N95 mask just to sneeze a HUGE one, then put it back on.Diao~

that's what i call them, sticker boys/girls. they are probably students doing part time word, cos they dress like students. i don't expect them to wear suits or scrubs, but there's no need to look like you're going clubbing. and they act like students too, fooloing around with the laptops which are connected to the thermal scanners, doodling on the stickers... sigh.... this is mount e. famous for being 'atas'. and these are the first staff the patients and visitors see when they step in.

no2) the door can be used again!!!

no need to make one BIG round just to get to paragon.
on the other hand, i haven't been sent to Paragon on errands for quite a while. since there're less patients (fasting for muslims and 7mth for the Chinese), things in the clinic have kinda slowed. instead, i spend most of the day at the comp.

at home, i'm forever at the comp, now at work i'm at the comp. eye rings getting worse sia~

the reason izzzz.... Esther/jock mai (gosh, getting rather connfused) convinced me that learning how to manage a clinic could get me futher (the health minister was a clinic manager) than learning the actual medical stuff. meaning instead of seeing actual innards, i'm looking at pictured of them now. i have to suppress my curiosity to not try to understand every medical term i come across, so that i can have my time to crunch numbers about the $$$.

i took Econs/Math/ Chem/ Phy in TPJC. Majored in Chem minored in Econs in NUS.
the perfect combinations for clinic management as it turns out.
i din plan it that way.
i only chose them because i like those subjects slightly more than the rest.

God is amazing.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Live fast die fun

i've decided to go for it.

and i'm not gonna tell anyone until i've got it.

it would probably take me half a year, cost about $500, give me a couple of bruises and burns.
but when i get it,,,,

WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Audry and i tryin hats during our ATAS shoppin

sling- tired

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lets talk about sex

Alpha males telling each other about how much they're 'getting', the good, the bad, and the downright n.a.s.t.y... well, that's not really surprising to me. Alpha females sharing the unsharables... well.. erm.. i sit quietly and do my stuff, but inside i'm thinking: is this typical non-Christian female conversation?

Fathers teach their kids rubbish. Otosan's fantastic reply to "where do babies come from?"

When you marry, you'd take a boat together to see a man who lives on a far away island. On a pillar table beside him sits a huge bowl full of eggs the size of gumballs. He will ask you, 'girl or boy?'. If you reply 'girl', he'd put a pink egg in your outstretched hands. If you reply 'boy', he'd give you a blue one. Then you take it home and plant it.

at that point, I believed him.

kids usually find out about the birds and the bees fast from their friends or through the internet. but since i was not the friendly sort, i was blissfully ignorant.

i remember in Pri 3, i was sketching a picture of William Farquhar when one of the popular girls came up to me:

"Who's that?"
"William Farquhar"
"What's his surname?"
"Can you just say the front part?"

She went away proudly to her sniggering clique, while i went back to my drawing, thinking: what e heck was so funny about 'farq'

in Sec 3, i finally found out. and it was only because i asked my best friend Kat what our friend meant by saying that he was going to 'fly kite'.

as if to make up for lost time, so many people around me are talking about sex! Grah~ i must seem like some kind of pervertic weirdo, the wat i keep dictionary.com-ing the meaning og the those dirty words they use. and now that i know... well,, i still hope they'd stop. Its weird.

stapled an accidental tear on my skirt, gothic.... i LOVE it!!!