everyone is asking
"why/how come?"
"what happened?"
"what are you going to do now?"
my ans is "i really dont know" x 3
everyone is telling me
"i'm so sorry"
"it just wasn't meant to be"
"pray about it"
and when i say everyone. i mean like 30 + ppl this week already. it was really so frustrating to be at the worship bbq and have to explain to person after person.
"hey, so what classes you teacheing this year?"
"hee, i'm not teaching anymore"
"moe sent me a termination letter."
"how come?"
"i dont know"
"i'm so sorry, do you know what happened?"
"i dont know..."
"well perhaps it wasn't meant to be" * hugs me*
"yeah, its ok la"
"what are you going to do now?"
"i haven thought about it yet"
"pray about it ok, i'll pray for you too"
"thanx so much, hey i'm going to get a drink.. ttyl"
i walk a few steps...
"hey jie jie kimi, school jia lat hor"
"hee, i'm not teaching anymore"
"moe sent me a termination letter."
"what happened?"
"i dont know..."
"not menat to be lar, eh you ok rite" * punch me on the shoulder*
"yeah, its ok la"
"what are you going to do now?"
"dunnoe, still thinking"
"must pray about it. ask God"
"yep. er, i finding xyz, you saw her? oh i see her!"
i sit down
"school started?"
"hee, i'm not teaching anymore"
"moe sent me a termination letter."
"how come?"
"i dont know"
"you need to talk about it?"
"no lar, i'm cool"
"really,come come, tell me more
"i also dunnoe what's going on now la"
"dont worry, it wasn't meant to be" *the huggy vibe is coming*
"yeah, its ok la"
"what are you going to do now?"
"i dont know whats available out there so see 1st"
"come, i pray with you"
fu wen walks past me with the "they mean well" shrug.
a few min later...
"so what CCA did you get?"
"er, long story, tell you another time k, the chicken wings are getting chao da"
i want to be happy and corny and not talk about how upside down my life is.
so i hogged the bbq pit to keep myself busy. i was wearing long sleeves and sweating like a pig but i was happy and corny, making up nonsensical rhymes with gabriel (my sous chef), and hawking my giant cheesy hot dogs
"last one last one, who wants?!!!!!!"