Thursday, April 2, 2009

blog's got a new name!

its about time i changed it man. no more a teacher for some time already.

this' the winning entry from my 'name my blog' competition i had the other time. or at least its as close as i can remember it to be. Jimbo gave me so many friggin titles all about fishbowls dat i cant really remember which one was the best. gion's was second place... "fish food for thought".. if i have another blog i'd name it tt perhaps.. heh. nah, 1 blog is tiring enough.

the prize--> ben n Jerries! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

so yeah! here comes my diary from a fishbowl!

here comes the diary of a jack of many trades, girl of many many many faces :)

1 comment:

sling said...

hahaha you know why fishbowl or not cause your profile picture looks like a fishbowlllll. head so round!! ok miss you havent seen you in ages! nv reply sms???!!! walaoz.