Saturday, September 4, 2010

gonna be a Mac snob

decided to start blogging again.
havent even visited my blog in a loooong while. mainly cos i've been so busy.
Birthdays,,, weddings,,, church camp,,, Nepal,,, jimbo n gang,,, the list goes on~

even when i'm free, i'd rather kinda laze infront of e comp watching youtube :p
well, talking abt comp, i'm gonna get a mac book pro. yeah, i'm gonna be a Mac snob.
not a mactard yet.... yet.
resisted for a while but ah crap, its chio n its video n pic editing is much better so i guess i can put up w getting used to something new.
came across these AWESOME decals!

just waiting for my ladies card to be approved den i go NUS buy :)

1 comment:

Thomaslid said...

Came across your blog, nice read :)

Keep posting!