hmm.. where shall i start...
i was tagless, chipless, friendless, trainingless, sleepless, running 20 miles!
since i din anticipate to run, e most i trained was 1 s.l.o.w. 8km run + a few 4km s. was taking over someone else and had to get the tag and chip from shi yun, but she woke up late so we arranged to meet somewhere right at the back of the start line. but without hp, i couldn't find her!!! and i couldn't find evan and joanne either! finally when the announcer threatened to close the start point in prep for the half marathon, i was practically shoved past the start point.
had no sleep for 2 nights already, and here i was running a race that killed my knee last year... thought of just going home but my stuff was in yuki's bag and so i would have to wait for him to finish :(
looking at all the atheletes around me aroused the die-die-also-do spirit within me. never NEVER start a race without finishing it. not even if you are running a broardy 42.195km that you are not registered for anyway.
so run lor...
but more sensible this year. no jumping, whoooping, dancing along the way :P
still leg pachar by 20km. damage control mode, no matter how ego crashing also just walk. thank God shu yun ran past me so i got my tag and chip at least.
15km left den i noticed that the guy beside me had been walking at the same pace as me for quite some time already. din really know if coincidence so neh mind. they gave out bottles of water and he took one to offer me, when i declined, he threw it away! i din realize that he was looking out for me, sooo sweet!!! he could have run all the way lar, his knee din look pachar lo!
thanx Jason Yap! chatting away the last 10km made it so much more bearable sia~
seriously, i meet the nicest ppl at e ST marathons. this would be a v. long post if i give credit to all! thanx shuhui, calvin, mark (hope i remember your name right) and nameless angmoh guy!
nothing can beat the satisfaction from finishing a crazy race :)
thank God Jason gave me a lift back
almost 7hrs, but i still can wear e shirt with pride cos I FINISHED THE RACE!
ok, pain pain pain.. got to drag my backside to drink water.. thats a 5 min trip to get down the stairs sia :(