bombshell info just dropped on us so needed some time to think anyway.
its a yam + pumpkin thingy. chao chao sweet. i only learnt to eat yam and pumpkin this year. but still not very into it. luckily had more bread.
check out the amount of reb bean in this an pan!
i love red an pan! cant remember how much. see an pan just grab.
swensen's lime sorbet :)
i think i still prefer mac's ice cream cone... i like low class stuff sia~
umeya's pick 'n' mix jellies!!!
kept my itchy mouth at bay. apple's the best :)
yuki wearing the hair band i got him. wanted to buy pink lar, but pang chance, buy black... hee
matt called to ask me go to the F1. felt sooo terrible turning him down!!! fu wen n yuki watching it on the huge flat screen and i guess i'm more comfortable there even tho i would be missin the real roar of the engines... i'm sooooo sorry!!!!!!
yuki bought jelly jelly
problem eating with guys is that you need to eat fast to grab the good stuff. i slow, by the time finish 1, no more left liao. :(
kimi raikkonen crashed out! boo hoo..... i was sooooooo hoping that he would come in top 3. dunnoe much about F1, but he's cute, he's cool, he's talented and he's got my name. of cos he's got my vote.
kimi is not a common name here... not used to hearing my name being mentioned so many times. wonder what its like for the 5 daniels, 2 joels and 4 jeremys we have in All saints...
fufu drove us back. after all that 280km/hr action, 90km/hr on the high way seems like snail.
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