Thursday, September 25, 2008

paper cuts

i'm amazed. a badminton raquet and a library book, sweets and a DnT project....silver earrings, and necklaces... they dont want to claim them back?!?!?!

they only care about their rubix cubes. confiscate one and you can be sure it will be claimed by the next day.

today's the last day of lessons before their exams so i'm printing practice papers. i've got sooo many paper cuts !!! :(

4 papers for 202 students = 4000 double sided pages!

print them, staple them, sort them, count them, divide them, lable them... 2pm to 530 pm... i'm a glorified printing lady.

how come it looks so little? its 4000 pages lor...

supposed to go for the bread talk trip, had to give it a miss... boo... made up for it by having my fave... its kind of smaller than i last remembered it tho.

sooo tired.... falling asleep in assembly, in the train... i hate rush hour. blur blur lean against the door and got the strap of my bag kiapped! raarrggghhh... missed my stop while trying to yank it free.

today taking over pauline's group in BSF..

took a 7 min power nap in the main hall 1st... zzzzzz

yay, some one arranged the chairs for me. the kiddy chairs are very hard to sit on. luckily i wear pants.

next wed is hari raya!!! full free day!!! who wanna go sentosa? i'm thinking either call the cell or call the gang and their girlfriends. i would very much like a cell outing but i think they not so into being beach bums. so.... the gang it is! whoo hoo.. get to meet all the girlfriends!!!

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