its ridiculous lar... sunday went Macs... yesterday had Macs.. today Macs again...
i haven had macs for like years and now i'm at a clown house everyday!!!
jeremy having exams so its chiong chiong chion tuition in a row!
for all those who hate being cold like me ... Macs at marina is warm and n.i.c.e. :) :) :) its warmer than the marina toilets lor!
saw Daniel ng and jon kong dating sia~~~ ahahha
fillet -o- fish n chips

grown boy is more scared of cold than i made me late for my BSF! raarrr!
today was phototaking day after BSF meeting. is that y so many ppl were wearing color coordinated outfits? hmph, never tell me earlier...
same back drop, same arrangement as last year, shortest in center tallest at sides and back.
i moved 2 places!!! yay!!! either i'm taller or we're recruiting shorter DLs. i think i'm taller. 1.62m yesh... i've grown 1cm. kei... hear that? i'm same height as you now.
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