finally got the rest of the photos of the chelet!
hopping game by the pool
i have no idea what i was doing... scratching my toes?
water baby loves the cam!
only for 12 and under. who cares, wheeeeee!
triple wheee!

taking a break from taking too many photos...
miss the sun and water and ice cream and mee pok and balloons and my spongebob girls!!!.... :(
water baby loves the cam!
only for 12 and under. who cares, wheeeeee!
taking a break from taking too many photos...
Daphne trying to take an 'upskirt' pic of me
today has been class after class after class.... not that i hate it, mind you! i;m giving out the exam papers and going through the answers. its just the look on my students faces, the excitement, the happiness, the dissappointment...
i feel so proud of those who have done well, those who thought they failed but passed, a class who had half distinctions....
i feel so pained for those who did not get what they were capable of. the look of regret.... i feel majorly responsible, perhaps they would have done better if another teacher taught them...
tired, long day. kinda distracted by personal life so was very inefficient. but still smiling... :)
i love my kids! i LOVE being able to help them!
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