Friday, May 1, 2009

sally's housewarming

sally's back row, second from left.
just came back from sally's house warming. surreal feeling. the NP gang, sitting in her new home, at AMK, looking at her wedding dress...

we've known each other for like 12 years? since sec 1. half our lives!
n now one of us has... well... settled.

(photos coming soon, see facebook)

when ever i meet my NP gang, its like a different world altogether. for one, i talk nonstop. we all talk NONSTOP. in CHINESE!!!

if not for you guys, my chinese would suck worse. i almost forgot how i can talk 200 words a min in (quite good) 中文.

sooo love you, connie, qiu jing, lai lin, sally, liang zhong, kuah, pek...
and those who were not there... Y NEVER COME?!?!?!?!??

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